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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Jànus Robert Texases

Eks casanovasid (janusroberteid) ole igasuguseid ja igal pool. Siin üks väljavõte blogist, mille autoriks 40-aastane Casa Nova Texasest. Mehed teavad igasugu asju naistest, iseasi, kas nad alati teadvustavad endale, mille nimel ja millest hoolimata nad naistega koos tahavad olla (ma vahel tean, aga vahel küll päris hästi aru ei saa). Aga mida Jànus oma (eesti) naiste vaatluse-kompimise põhjal võiks järeldada :)

50 things That Women Wished Men Knew
I learned the following While Working along side women over the years...
It was quite educating...:

1)You have to tell a girl how you feel about her...we make no assumptions.
2)It never hurts to work out...take your own advice.
3)Girls like sex just as much, if not more than guys.
4)Not all girls masturbate...we just don't and no we are not lying.
5)We hate porn.
6)Hmmmm...guys in Jeeps...yummmm..
.7)Girls need food, water, and compliments to survive.
8)We think about you all the time.
9)Being able to make us laugh is so much more important than how much you can bench-press.
10)We may think you are gay if you wear tighty-whities on a regular basis.

Jätku võite ise edasi lugeda ülaltoodud lingi kaudu ;)

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